In the terminal:sudo apt updatesudo apt install mint-meta-codecsIn the Gui:Software Manager and search for Multimedia Codecs.Install the Multimadia Codecs
In the terminal:sudo apt updatesudo apt install mint-meta-codecsIn the Gui:Software Manager and search for Multimedia Codecs.Install the Multimadia Codecs
When you use a computer with a very low display resolution, you’ll at times encounter windows that won’t fit on your display. The common solution is to press Alt+F7 after which you can move the window around with your mouse (left click to stop moving), or as daniber already shared hold down Alt and hold […]
Create a launcher for VBOX with this startcommand VirtualBox -style Fusion %U ou can also try:VirtualBox -style qt5ct-style %U VirtualBox -style cleanlooks %U VirtualBox -style cde %U VirtualBox -style motif %U VirtualBox -style plastique %U VirtualBox -style Windows %U