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LibreOffice requires a Java runtime environment

Lack of JRE, would cause the below error in LibreOffice: LibreOffice requires a Java runtime environment (JRE) to perform this task. Please install a JRE (and libreoffice-java-common) and restart LibreOffice. I use KDE Neon, but it works also for other (ubuntu based) distro’s sudo apt install default-jre sudo apt install libreoffice-java-common If you have successfully […]

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ODG file exported from ODP is opened as presentation (Impress) instead of graphic (Draw)

Workaround: 1)Save your file as FODP 2)Open that file with a text processor with UTF-8 encoding 3)Look for the string “office:mimetype” and replace “presentation” with “graphics” 4)Save that file with the extension FODG 5)Open with LibreOffice: Draw will be the application used. 6)Save that file with the extension ODG

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